Recovering front-end developer, now I just write JavaScript

I am once again trying to blog more

I am once again trying to blog more
Photo by Kaitlyn Baker / Unsplash

When you work for a company that makes publishing software, and work with publishers every day, you see all sorts of content. Everything from international economics news to hobby projects about knitting. They all have an audience, and it all starts with writing.

I always wanted my blog to have a theme. I thought that theme would be code, as that's what I do day to day, but because I'm not a great teacher, the posts would be short and not explain the concepts in play.

So, rather than silo myself into a specific theme, the theme is going to be whatever the fuck I want to share, whenever I want. Enjoy.

Next up, an update on my journey from being severely underweight to being less severely underweight.